The purpose of this experiment is to find out the answer to “the reason why it is more difficult to blow a balloon
at the start but gradually, it requires less energy and effort” by using the internal pressure and the elastic force
of a balloon. For this purpose, first, the formula for the elastic force of a balloon is needed to establish using
the surface area and internal pressure. The internal pressure of the balloon is measured by a mbl sensor while
blowing a balloon with constant pressure using a compressor, and the circumference of a balloon that changes
over time is photographed. Through these processes, the graph of the internal pressure changes of a balloon over
time, the function of a balloons circumference is found using the spline function, and by integrating it, the outer
surface of a balloon is found. Experimental values are used to draw and interpret the graph of the elastic force
of the balloon over time. A newly developed program by our research team for finding the outer surface and elastic
force of a balloon applying Python is used for this whole process.